Only time跳有氧韻律舞時 在結尾緩和運動 時 老師放了恩雅這首歌 不知是因為音樂太感人還是燈光太昏暗 跳著酒店經紀跳著 眼淚就靜靜滑下了臉頰 幸好其他學員都沉浸在自己的提拉皮斯中 沒有人注意到我的悲傷 恩雅的這首歌一直花蓮民宿都在我的歌單裡 聽過很多遍 但每一次聽 總還是勾起許多感覺 Who can say where the road goes where the 系統傢俱day flows only time... and who can say if your love growsas your heart chose only time... who can 系統傢俱say why your heart sighs as your love flies only time... and who can say why your heart cries when 買屋your love dies only time... who can say when the roads meet that love might be in your heart and who 票貼can say when the day sleeps if the night keeps all your heart night keeps all your heart... who can seosay if your love grows, as your heart chose only time... and who can say where the road goes where 土地買賣the day flows only time... who knows only time... who knows only time 是啊! 只有時間 只有時間 

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房地產 YAHOO!


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